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how to eliminate timeout of loadrunner to run long duration functions

Use the following steps to prevent Mercury LoadRunner timeout
errors if you need greater than 1,000 seconds for a function such as
upload to complete
> 1. Modify Mercury InteractiveLoadRunn ertemplateqtwebd efault.cfg.
Insert the following:
> [web]
> ReceiveTimeout= 10000
> 2. Modify Mercury InteractiveLoadRunn erdatWebAdvanced Opt.txt.
> [LIST]
> 1="T_COMBOBOX; Web;EnableIPCach e;DNS caching;Save a host's IP
address to a cache to conserve time in
> subsequent calls to the host.;1;Yes; "
> 2="T_COMBOBOX; Web;HTTPVer; HTTP version;Indicates the version of
HTTP used by your application. Select version
> 1.0 or 1.1.;1;1.1;<>"
> 3="T_COMBOBOX; Web;KeepAlive; Keep-Alive HTTP connections; Allow
persistent HTTP connections to enable multiple
> requests to be sent over the same TCP connection.; 1;Yes;"
> 4="T_EDIT_NUM; Web;MaxConnectio ns;Concurent connections limit;Sets
the maximum number of simultaneous keepalive
> connections that a Vuser can maintain during script
execution;1; 4;<0;10>"
> 5="T_EDIT_NUM; Web;ConnectTimeo ut;Connect timeout (seconds);The
maximum amount of time in seconds, that a
> Vuser waits to connect to a server, before issuing an
error.;1;120; <0;10000> "
> 6="T_EDIT_NUM; Web;ReceiveTimeo ut;Receive timeout (seconds);The
maximum amount of time in seconds, that a
> Vuser waits to receive information from a server, before issuing an
error.;1;120; <0;10000> "
> 7="T_EDIT_NUM; Web;NetBufSize; Network buffer size; Sets the
maximum number of the network buffer that may be
> used by the Vuser. The default is 12288 bytes.;1;12288; <0;100000> "
> 8="T_COMBOBOX; Web;CacheAlwaysC heckForNewerPage s;Cache-Emulate
always check for newer
> pages;;1;Yes; "
> 9="T_EDIT_NUM; Web;PageDownload Timeout;Page download timeout
(seconds);;1; 120;<0;32000> "

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